Operator's Guide

How to configure and run VTAdmin

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Get Started #

This guide describes how to configure and build the VTAdmin API server (vtadmin) and front-end (vtadmin-web).

If you intend to use the Vitess operator to deploy VTAdmin please refer to Running with Vitess Operator.

The simplest VTAdmin deployment involves a single Vitess cluster. You can look at the local example for a minimal invocation of the vtadmin and vtadmin-web binaries.

Prerequisites #

1. Define the cluster configuration #

VTAdmin is mapped to one or more Vitess clusters two ways:

  • Add a clusters.yaml file and pass its path to vtadmin with the --cluster-config build flag
  • Set the --cluster and/or --cluster-defaults flags when running vtadmin, described in the next section.

When both command-line cluster configs and a config file are provided, any options for a given cluster on the command-line take precedence over options for that cluster in the config file.

For a well-commented example enumerating the cluster configuration options, see clusters.example.yaml.

2. Configure vtadmin #

Configure the flags for the vtadmin process. The full list of flags is given in the vtadmin reference documentation.

The following is from the local example showing a minimal set of flags. Here, we define the cluster configuration with the --cluster flag and use static (file-based) discovery configured in the local example's discovery.json file.

vtadmin \
  --addr ":14200" \
  --http-origin "https://vtadmin.example.com:14201" \
  --http-tablet-url-tmpl "http://{{ .Tablet.Hostname }}:15{{ .Tablet.Alias.Uid }}" \
  --tracer "opentracing-jaeger" \
  --grpc-tracing \
  --http-tracing \
  --logtostderr \
  --alsologtostderr \
  --no-rbac \
  --cluster "id=local,name=local,discovery=staticfile,discovery-staticfile-path=./vtadmin/discovery.json,tablet-fqdn-tmpl={{ .Tablet.Hostname }}:15{{ .Tablet.Alias.Uid }}" 

To optionally configure role-based access control (RBAC), refer to the RBAC documentation.

3. Configure and build vtadmin-web #

Environment variables can be defined in a .env file or passed inline to the npm run build command. The full list of flags is given in the vtadmin-web reference documentation.

The following is from the local example showing a minimal set of environment variables. $web_dir, in this case, refers to the vtadmin-web source directory but could equally apply to the web/vtadmin/ directory copied into a Docker container, for example. VITE_VTADMIN_API_ADDRESS uses the same hostname as the --addr flag passed to vtadmin in the previous step.

npm --prefix $web_dir --silent install

VITE_VTADMIN_API_ADDRESS="https://vtadmin-api.example.com:14200" \
  npm run --prefix $web_dir build

If you want to overwrite or set environment variables after the build you can use the $web_dir/build/config/config.js file. For example:

window.env = {
    'VITE_VTADMIN_API_ADDRESS': "https://vtadmin-api.example.com:14200",
    'VITE_READONLY_MODE': false,

After running build command, the production build of the front-end assets will be in the $web_dir/build directory. They can be served as any other static content; for example, Go's embed package or npm's serve package. Each filename inside of $web_dir/build/assets will contain a unique hash of the file contents.